Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lots of planting!

We got lots of planting done today at the Great Green Growing Garden.

Five Green Team Members came out in the afternoon and toiled for two hours under the warm sun. They were Mai Jai (someone please post the correct spelling!), Ethan, Devon, Lily and Lydia. Parent volunteers Vesna Kovach and Melissa Mooney were there, and so was teaching assistant Heather Reimer.

We got so much done, it was amazing! We finished building the square foot grids on the two remaining beds.

We caged the 12 tomato plants that Zivile and Vesna planted earlier this week.

We planted the 6 tomato plants and 6 sweet pepper plants that Melissa and Chris Mooney grew and donated from their home greenhouse and seedling operation.

We planted 12 squares of salad mixture.

We planted one square foot each of cimarron lettuce, radishes, basil, parsley, carrots -- and a square that didn't get labeled and I'm not sure what, if anything is in it but a blank craft stick sign!

Then we watered. And the kids went back into class.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! Perfect timing on this with the weather too!
