Monday, October 10, 2011

Trip to Wisconsin Gold Harvest

It's not exactly related to the 4G garden, but it does relate to green and growing edible things at Lake View: We took a trip out to the Wisconsin Gold Harvest farm to buy popcorn directly from the wonderful farm family that grows it. Early in 2011, we transitioned from food-service popcorn packs laden with colors, flavors and assorted artificial ingredients to locally grown popcorn popped only with pure, expeller-pressed, sustainably grown, coconut oil from family farms in the Philipines and pure salt.

The farmers, Colleen and Carl, gave us a warm and gracious welcome. We toured the farm and the popcorn storage and packaging facilities, met the dogs, saw the harvesting equipment, and even received gifts for both children -- home-grown pumpkins in time for Halloween. We drove home happy with 100 pounds of popcorn, enough for two Popcorn Days at Lake View!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fall garden cleanup and prep

Parent volunteers and lots of Green Teamers came out to work on the garden. Out with the old, in with the new! We pulled out all the scraggly old tomato plants and still-lush pepper plants that didn't yield much this year, but sure did look great.

The students worked very hard moving tons of earth into the brand-new beds that parents built a few weekends ago. Now we have a total of EIGHT raised beds!