Friday, March 30, 2012

Rained-out planting

Planting was scheduled for this morning, before the kids got out at 11:30 for Spring Break. Our plans were thwarted starting around 3 a.m. when lightning split the skies and the rain clouds poured forth upon us, continuing all day.

Better luck in a week or so, when the kids get back in April!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A clean sweep for spring

Cleanup day was AWESOME! About 20 Green Team kids came out and worked the garden with the most enthusiasm, focus and sustained drive I have seen in any group of kids yet! The garden project just keeps getting better and better. Thanks, Susie, for leading this great group!

Three parents were able to attend -- me, Zivile Kudzin and Melissa Mooney. For nearly two hours, we led the kids, who came out in two shifts or about 10 each, in cleaning up the beds from debris like rocks and acorns, raking leaves and filling the beds with the pile of finished compost that was beside it. We mixed in a sack of organic fertilizer and leveled it all off.

The first thing we all did, though, was eat up all the spinach that had sprung up this spring from the seeds we'd planted last fall. :) After that impromptu snack time we got to work!